The FarmComp department was designed to help you get more out of every acre. We look for programs through NRCS and elsewhere to find ways you can improve your land, increase yields, and ultimately increase your ROI. We have found the NRCS EQIP program to be a great way for growers to get excellent technical and financial assistance.

We are a certified Technical Service Provider (TSP) through NRCS. This means we can create the plans for practices through NRCS. Instead of working with your county office to get your agronomic plans, you can work with a CCA agronomist that has all the tools and experience needed to create and manage your plan from start to finish. Plus, NRCS can pay for our planning services leaving more dollars for your operation!
How Does NRCS Help Land Owners?
NRCS can provide technical guidance on conservation practices, offer financial assistance programs for implementing conservation measures, and provide resources for improving soil health, water quality, wildlife habitat, and overall land sustainability.
Are there Eligibility Requirements for NRCS?
While eligibility requirements may vary depending on the specific program or practice, generally, private landowners, agricultural producers, and tribal entities are eligible for NRCS assistance. Heartland Soil Services can provide detailed information on eligibility criteria and program requirements for your specific situation.

590 Precision Nutrient Management
Nutrient Management is our specialty! We all want to keep our lakes, rivers, and streams clean and free from nitrates and blue-green algae. Nutrient Management is the best tool in the toolbox to make sure your inputs stay where you apply them and are used to grow your crops, not cause problems down stream.

340 Cover Crops
Cover Crops can be an amazing way to protect or even enhance your soils! We can help you plan your cover crops according to NRCS standards. For cover crops to be beneficial, they need to be planned to fit your operation and managed through the season as conditions change. Let our team of CCA Agronomists get the most out of this practice while keeping your yields safe!

Many More!
Our team of agronomists are certified for several agronomy and soil health related practices through NRCS. Give us a call or enroll below to see how we can help your operation become more sustainable. We understand sustainability ultimately comes down to farms continuing to thrive while being good stewards of our natural resources.